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Hi, I’m Michelle!

I spent almost 20 years in the corporate world before deciding to pursue my dream of starting my own business and helping people find fulfilling work. I’m a certified career coach and résumé writer that loves supporting professionals making tough career moves whether that’s pivoting into a new field or transitioning from the military into a civilian job. I believe that everyone deserves to have a job that they enjoy and that the job search process shouldn’t be overwhelming.

Finding a new job is stressful. I want you to know that you’re not alone.

I know how frustrating the job search process can be and I want to simplify things for you. About 5 years ago, I knew I needed to find a new job after being with the same company for 15 years. Because it had been such a long time since I last applied for a job, I had no idea where to start. The process was overwhelming and discouraging. The prospect of getting a new job felt impossible and that led me to stay in a job that I hated. I knew if I felt this way, others were probably experiencing the same feelings. Learning all about the best approach to finding a new job became my mission – not to get myself a new job but to help others land fulfilling work.

Take steps toward a new career today!